Our school is blessed with a caring and talented staff who are committed to creating opportunities for students to share their wonderful gifts. Included in our community is our parish, St. Peter’s. Under the guidance of our parish priest, Fr. Greg, the students will have the opportunity to grow and learn about our faith through the sacraments and our daily prayer life. As a family, we can provide our children with a quality Catholic education and bring promise to this year's division's theme: "Embracing Our Faith, Igniting Our Hope, Renewing our Strength".
Deanna Emond - Principal
211 5th Ave West
Unity, SK
S0K 4L0
(306) 228-4141
The milk program will begin on Monday, Sept. 9th. Punch cards can be purchased at the office.
The SCC Annual General Meeting will be Tuesday, October 8th at 7pm. It is held at the school (front doors). This is an open meeting- all parents welcomed!
We will be celebrating Truth & Reconciliation day on Tuesday, Oct. 1st. Please have your child wear an orange shirt this day.
St. Peter's staff is cooking you and your children breakfast! Join us for pancakes!! Wear your pajamas!!!
Living Rosary is tomorrow, outside @ 11am. (Weather permitting, alternate location will be the gym) Don't forget to send your food bank item!
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