Thank you to our members!
As a school community council member, you can help your council discover new and exciting ways to contribute to the education of students in your school. Education is a partnership involving parents, students, teachers, principals, school boards and the community. Your involvement in the council gives you the opportunity to strengthen that partnership, and to be part of a dedicated team working to ensure a high-quality education for the students of Light of Christ Catholic Schools. Your participation will make a difference!
St. Peter’s SCC
Chairperson - Audra-Lynn McCubbing
Vice-Chairperson - Chelsea Shepherd
Secretary/PD - Amber Uzelman
Treasurer - Alexandria Stubbs
Fundraising Committee - Adriane Krips
At large members - Alex Ogrodnik, Pam Bonogofski, Malory Schedlosky
Teacher - Kamryn Newsted
LOCCSD Board Member – Gerald Beres
Principal – Deanna Emond